Mood of inspiration -first steps to AW11

Test, a fusion of atmosphere





Form -I've folded all the pages in an entire Moleskine book to find a form, this is a copy of some of them

I now work fulltime on the new collection for AW11. I've just ordered the print! But it's really wierd because I have no clue about how to explain my inspiration in words. Maybe it's because I'm inspired by a kind of atmosphere or rather more a metaphysical universe running around in my mind. Anyway, you will get some of my inspiration in pictures. Perhaps you can make your own idea of what to expect..

The future unfolds

Many believed that Issey Miyake soon would retire. But this was apparently far from true. Instead he has been working in the laboratory on a new project dealing with computer-generated clothes made from recycled plastic bottles. But best of all he has used the fold to create the shape of the designs. Very inspiring!

I have uploaded some pictures and shared a link to a blog where the project is described:

In addition, I have uploaded a video below where Issey Miyake himself explains the project:


I'm working full time on my new collection, this is some of my inspiration


From today the limited edition Nuit Comme Oui et Segall is available at the shop KASK, Hyskensstræde 16, 1207 CPH K.

Feel free to make a visit!

Nuit Comme Oui

'Fleeing Boastful Creatures' in Donn Ya Doll

The aw10 collection 'Fleeing Boastful Creatures' is from now on available in the store Donn Ya Doll at Istedgade 55 Cph V. The collection includes Nuit Comme Oui et Segall -the result of a collaboration between Nuit Comme Oui and the graphic designer Karen Segall.

Feel free to make a visit!

Nuit Comme Oui

Nuit Comme Oui and Costume

The collaboration between Nuit Comme Oui and the graphic designer Karen Segall is mentioned in the September issue of Costume

Fashion week

Fashion week is just around the corner, actually it already starts tomorrow! Unfortunately Nuit Comme Oui will not be presented this time. In return you can expect an even more interesting and thorough collection for AW11.

However, do not forget that the collection ' Fleeing Boastful Creatures' very soon will be out in stores!

Have a fabulous fashionweek. I very much look forward to see you again this winter!


Nuit Comme Oui

Next project

Coming soon...

From the sketchbook

These are just some collages that I've made in my sketchbook

Nuit Comme Oui for Farven Fornem

Photo: Line Gullman - Models: Farven Fornem

Nuit Comme Oui for Farven Fornem is the result of a collaboration between Nuit Comme Oui and the Danish band Farven Fornem. The project was to create a performance concept that Farven Fornem will be able to use in their future performances.

I was very excited about the project but it turned out to be more challenging that I had anticipated.

The band consists of four guys. I've never done menswear before so it was in itself a challenge. I would try to transfer the concept of Nuit Comme Oui which I've previously only used in creating women's wear. Furthermore, I also had to transfer the univers of Farven Fornem and somehow mix it with my own. It required a large and extensive research to come up with an idea of how they would like to appear. Each member has his own personality and charisma which I thought was important to highlight. I believe that the more you mix personality with what you are doing the more credible it becomes. Farven Fornem has a passion and a love for the music they make, which I think we should not undergo. It confirms that there is a meaning to it, a message, an empathy and a seriousness with which I have the deepest respect and I therefore think are worth highlighting so others can be a part of it too.

Beside the research appeared another issue that I had to relate myself to. The clothes had to be practical and usable in relation to their stage performance. Each member moves differently on stage and I was therefore forced to build on how each person works and take account of it in both choices of materials and design.

The project has been quite a challenge but also very exciting and fun to work with. I hope you like it.

You will get the opportunity to see the result when I exhibit 8. - 13. June at Carlsbeg, Pasteursvej 4 1778 Cph V or when Farven Fornem will perform at The Underground Music Awards 19. June!

The vernissage of the exhibition is on Tuesday 8. June 17.00-20.00

Thank you for reading

Nuit Comme Oui


link for more information: Solo

Exhibition coming up

The project that I'm working on in collaboration with Farven Fornem will be exhibited in the start of June. More information coming up soon!


unfortunately I can't remember the name of the blog where I found them...sorry


The video project 'Foldeskov'

Farven Fornem

Right now I am working on a project in collaboration with the Danish band 'Farven Fornem'.
Farven Fornem is a band of four members, all boys (an important deatil to note, since Nuit Comme Oui so far only has dealt with womens wear). I promise to follow up on the project going through the process. Until then I will graciously recommend you to read the review bellow and listen to their music to form your own picture of their bleak universe.

This is a review of their newly released EP (unfortunately it is in Danish):

Fænomenal dansk electro-rock-newcomer

Den danske electro-rock gruppe Farven Fornem udsender aller ydmygst en EP i deres søgen efter at etablere kontakt til pladeselskaber og samarbejdspartnere, som det hedder i det medfølgende materiale til dette første møde med Aabenraa-gruppen. Og for pokker da, hvor må det i allerhøjeste grad komme til at lykkes, for den ualmindeligt dragende, fantastiske, storladne og gribende stemningsmættede helhed, de præsenterer, er af en uhørt høj kvalitet for et usignet dansk band.

Jeg væmmes almindeligvis ved elektronisk tilsætning i rockmusik. Mikael Simpson og Spleen United er et par af de få, der har nedbrudt dele af mine fordomme, men Farven Fornem er bandet, der sparker den sidste del af fordommene langt pokker i vold. For her bevises det, hvordan det kan lykkes at få rock og elektronisk musik til at gå op i en storladen helhed, som selv jeg kan bliver grebet af.

Selve genrekombinationen skaber naturlige referencer til Depeche Mode, og forsanger Jeppe Sievers vokal kan både have elementer af mestre som C.V. Jørgensen, Lars H.U.G. og Jens Unmack. Det er lidt krukket, affekteret og skævt på den små-syrede måde, og det medvirker kun til at forstærke det suveræne udtryk, som skabes i den elektroniske synth-overflade, der kombineres med elektriske guitarer og en fænomenal storladenhed. Faktisk er det heller ikke helt skævt at sammenligne lidt med alle de bedste sider af Nephew, når det kommer til udtryk, tekstunivers og majestætisk stadion-storladenhed.

”Metropol” er hovedværket, der allerede i denne udgave har potentiale til at blive et gigantisk hit, men også EP’ens fire øvrige numre er både melodisk, tekstmæssigt, produktionsmæssigt og arrangementsmæssigt i høj, høj klasse. Nogle steder er det en kølig overflade, mens der andre steder gives ro til lytteren i mindre krævende passager, som i omkvædet på den bevidst små-gustne og aldeles vellykkede ”Min nye ven”. Den desperate stemning på ”Il Primo Motore” med det hidsige og stærkt udtryksfulde ”Det bliver min undergang / det her” printer sig ind i bevidstheden på den der måde, hvor man bare ved, at her er et band, der har noget helt særligt i sig.

Jeg er dybt forundret og voldsomt begejstret over Farven Fornem. Kan kun anbefale dem på det allerkraftigste. Her er potentiale til noget, der kan vælte Danmark i de kommende år. Der er særpræg, personlighed, udtryk, tilgængelighed, kant, nærvær og gedigen storladenhed. Det hele fungerer fremragende, og det burde ikke blive et problem for bandet at opnå målet med denne EP – at få kontakt til pladeselskaber og samarbejdspartnere. For det vil være direkte stupidt og idiotisk af enhver pladeselskabsmand at ignorere det talent og de evner, der er samlet i Farven Fornem.

Nuit Comme Oui on tour

Ditte Mellson is right now on tour with the band Mofus, and she is wearing Nuit Comme Oui on stage! Read more here

Barbara Moleko in Nuit Comme Oui

Barbara Moleko is a 23 year old singer. She is very talented and has just been selected to participate in the danish music competition 'Karrierekanonen'. She borrowed some of my clothes for her myspace and press photos.

Feel free to visit her myspace and listen to her wonderful voice and happy music!

Or listen to her live at 'Templet' in Lyngby, 10. April, where she also will be wearing Nuit Comme Oui. JEI!

Logo ideas

Interpretations of my logo by Rosewing Wood


  • Le Creative Sweats
  • Tiger Good
  • Michel De Broin
  • Andreia Chaves

Donn Ya Doll

Nuit Comme Oui is now available at the store:

Donn Ya Doll
Istedgade 55
1650 Cph V


New shop

My first collection 'Unspoken Folded Stories' is finally available at
Artrebels webshop!


Yesterday I received some pictures from a photoshoot of my clothes. It's always very exciting and inspiring to see how people interpret my clothes and find out their own way to wear it. It can make me so happy!!!

Photos by Michael Falgren